Pro-gun Bill in Missouri Advances to Senate Floor– Nullification bill would strike multiple blows on behalf of the Second Amendment

A lot of states have moved to defend the Second Amendment in the wake of Barrack Obama’s attacks on it.  But few bills have done such a wide variety of pro-gun things as Missouri Senate Bill 613, introduced by Senator Brian Nieves.

S.B. 613 is, first of all, a “Nullification Bill,’ prohibiting Missouri officials from enforcing Obama’s unconstitutional gun bans and gun registration schemes. 

Make no mistake about it: “Nullification” drives the anti-gun nuts crazy. They scream that the nut-left Ninth Circuit court of appeals in San Francisco has overturned a similar law.

Unfortunately for them, the Supreme Court, in the Printz case (1997), held that states like Missouri, have an absolute right not to be conscripted as enforcers of a Federal gun control scheme.

But that’s not the only good thing about S.B. 613.

Section 160.665 allows a school district to designate teachers and staff as “school protection officers.” As such, they could carry concealed firearms to protect the school.

Had this statute been in effect in Newtown, Connecticut, the horrific tragedy there would never have occurred.

In addition, section 571.012 would protect the Doctor/Patient relationship by prohibiting a health care professional from being forced to ask about and keep records on whether a patient owns a gun.

The Senate committee just held hearings on S.B. 613 and voted it to the Senate floor.  Now is the time to ask state senators to support the bill.

ACTION: Contact your state senator and ask him to support S.B. 613.


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* Click on your Senator’s email address to start a message to him or her.

* Copy and paste the message below.

—– Pre-written letter —–

Dear Senator:

A lot of states have moved to defend the Second Amendment in the wake of Barrack Obama’s attacks on it.  But few bills have done such a wide variety of pro-gun things as Missouri Senate Bill 613, introduced by Senator Brian Nieves.

S.B. 613 is, first of all, a “Nullification Bill,’ prohibiting Missouri officials from enforcing Obama’s unconstitutional gun bans and gun registration schemes.

Make no mistake about it: “Nullification” drives the anti-gun nuts crazy. They scream that the nut-left Ninth Circuit court of appeals in San Francisco has overturned a similar law.

Unfortunately for them, the Supreme Court, in the Printz case (1997), held that states like Missouri, have an absolute right not to be conscripted as enforcers of a Federal gun control scheme.

But that’s not the only good thing about S.B. 613.

Section 160.665 allows a school district to designate teachers and staff as “school protection officers.” As such, they could carry concealed firearms to protect the school.

Had this statute been in effect in Newtown, Connecticut, the horrific tragedy there would never have occurred.

In addition, section 571.012 would protect the Doctor/Patient relationship by prohibiting a health care professional from being forced to ask about and keep records on whether a patient owns a gun.

S.B. 613 is a great piece of legislation.  So please support and vote for the bill.
