Stop the Bump Stock Ban in Virginia!
Good News and Bad News Coming out of Richmond
Urge your state senator to support SB 48 and SB 715 and oppose SB 1!
Join Gun Owners of America today for less than a box of ammo!
Take Action for Concealed Carry and to Stop Bump Stock Ban!
Dear Friend:
I’ve got some good news and bad news for you coming out of Richmond.
First, the good news.
Many gun control bills, including Universal Background Checks, magazine and so-called “assault weapon” bans have died.
On top of that, two pro-gun bills — Constitutional Carry (SB 48) and a bill to allow permitted first responders to carry on duty (SB 715) — moved to the Senate Finance Committee.
These is great news for gun owners as these two bills would greatly restore and expand carry rights.
But sadly, some gun control moved, as well.
A bump stock ban (SB 1) also moved to the Senate Finance Committee.
But this is where this dangerous bill needs to die a quick death.
GOA has come out in strong opposition to any type of bump stock regulation or ban — whether it be at the federal or state level.
Please don’t be fooled by thinking that any bump stock ban would just stop at bump stocks. If bump stocks are banned, then a dangerous precedent is set.
A ban on bump stocks can open the door to other bans – including trigger, magazine, or semi-auto bans.
So please take action. Call your state senator and then follow up with an email to tell your legislator to support SB 48 and 715 and to oppose SB 1.
Our friends at Virginia Citizens Defense League are doing great work in Richmond, but all gun owners in the Commonwealth need to be very vocal as the Republican majorities are very slim.
So please contact your state senator to support SB 48 and 715 and oppose SB 1.
In Liberty,
Jordan Stein
Director of Communications
Gun Owners of America
Follow me on Twitter: @jordankstein
PS: If you haven’t already, please consider joining GOA. And if you’ve let your GOA membership lapse, make sure to renew your membership in Gun Owners of America today for only $20!