Gun Groups Aren’t Terror Groups

Stop Calling Gun Groups Terrorist Organizations

“Groups like Gun Owners of America go even further in pushing for Second Amendment freedoms the NRA won’t argue for.

Stop Calling Gun Groups Terrorist Organizations

Now that the smoke has settled after tragedy in Parkland, Florida, partisans on the Left and Right have hunkered down in their foxholes to fight a familiar fight. …

We can argue about effectiveness of certain proposals, but if gun control advocates ever want gun owners to come to the table, they need to stop mindless name-calling or risk further dividing the country and neutering their cause…

Click here to see more GOA News articles like this one.

…Groups like Gun Owners of America go even further in pushing for Second Amendment freedoms the NRA won’t argue for. GOA has made great gains recently in the wake of the NRA’s position change on bump stocks.

 Read More at The Federalist