GOA Campaign Against Anti-Gun Petraeus Bearing Fruit
GOA Campaign Against Anti-Gun Petraeus Bearing Fruit
“Gun Owners of America, the leading no-compromise pro-gun rights organization in the nation, sent out an e-mail highlighting the former general’s rabid anti-gun rights extremism…. But the pressure from GOA and other powerful organizations that backed Trump may have paid off, as the most recent reports indicate that the president-elect appears to have soured on Petraeus.”
Former CIA Boss and General David Petraeus (Ret.)
Another name that has been highlighted as a possible Trump pick to lead the State Department is former general and CIA chief David Petraeus. After meeting the general, who was driven from office amid a scandalous affair and the leaking of classified information to his mistress and biographer, Trump said he was “very impressed.” For critics of the globalist establishment, though, the potential nominee would be a betrayal of Trump’s supporters.
Often dubbed General Betray-US by critics, the former CIA boss is the very embodiment of the out-of-touch globalist establishment….
Petraeus has earned the enmity of Second Amendment groups, one of the most powerful voting blocs in America. Gun Owners of America, for example, the leading no-compromise pro-gun rights organization in the nation, sent out an e-mail highlighting the former general’s rabid anti-gun rights extremism. “Although Petraeus seldom speaks publicly on domestic issues, he hates guns so much that he teamed up with anti-gun leader Mark Kelly and his wife, Gabrielle Giffords, to co-found the Veterans Coalition for Common Sense,” GOA Chairman Tim Macy explained, noting that Petraeus’ anti-gun rights group was working to push anti-constitutional gun control….
The pressure from GOA and other powerful organizations that backed Trump may have paid off, as the most recent reports indicate that the president-elect appears to have soured on Petraeus.
[Editor’s Note: Trump eventually rejected the idea of picking the anti-gun Petraeus and nominated Rex Tillerson instead.]