Contact Senator Mitch McConnell

NOTE: You cannot use GOA’s Legislative Action Center to email senator McConnell, unless you are a constituent of his. However, you can easily contact Sen. McConnell by filling out Senator McConnell’s webform and then cutting-and-pasting the pre-written text below.

Cut-and-paste the letter below and click here to send it to Senator McConnell:

Dear Senator McConnell:

You were absolutely right when you said that the next President should get to pick the replacement for Antonin Scalia.

If the Senate begins the process of reviewing a presidential nominee, it sets in motion a process that will inevitably result in the confirmation of a radical, anti-gun “swing vote” Justice to the Supreme Court.

Senate Democrats will put a “human face” on the nominee by parading him or her from one Republican office to the next.  And when he or she gives his evasive, self-serving, and even fraudulent testimony (see Sonia Sotomayor), you can bet his photogenic family will be displayed prominently on camera.

And, when the nominee gives Hillary Clinton-like fraudulent testimony about his or her love for the Second Amendment and stare decisis, the process will become very difficult to stop. 

Each step of the way will encourage the press to focus white-hot attention on the nominee and white-hot attacks on Republicans. 

And make no mistake about it:  It is not procedurally possible to hold hearings and not open the door to a Senate floor vote.

Under those circumstances, Harry Reid will use the Senate rules to discharge the nomination from committee and onto the senate floor for a vote. 

So enough of this mythology that Republicans can “feed the alligator” but not be eaten by it.  

If Republicans cannot withstand the pressure to “do something,” they will not be able to withstand the pressure to vote “yes.”  Particularly given the possibility that Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid is going to use parliamentary tools to “nuke” the filibuster and confirm the nomination with 50 votes (plus Biden) — rather than being blocked by 60-vote supermajority. 

Realize that when Obama says about his nominations that “They deserve a vote,” what he really means is “They deserve a ‘yes’ vote!” 

And, by giving Obama step-by-step victories at each stage of the process, Republicans only make it harder on themselves and more difficult later on.

So please, do NOT back down on blocking any anti-gun “swing vote” from moving through the Senate and being confirmed to the Supreme Court.  Please leave the next Supreme Court nomination to the next President.

The best way to stop Obama from packing the court and destroying everything you believe in is to nip it in the bud when it is still a theoretical issue.


Email Sen. McConnell