GOA Challenges GOP to Stand Strong
GOA Challenges GOP to Stand Strong
“Everything we’ve heard so far from the Republican leadership has been good,” Erich Pratt acknowledges. “But they have a tendency to do that and then start caving with the liberal media just pounding on them. So what Americans need to do is rise up and be the counter-pressure against them.”
GOA Challenges GOP to Stand Strong
Gun Owners of America is deeply concerned about the consequences if President Obama is able to appoint another left-leaning justice to the Supreme Court.
Having already appointed Sonia Sotomayor (in 2009) and Elena Kagan (in 2010), Obama and Democrats on Capitol Hill are anticipating the opportunity to seat another liberal on the high court. But Senate Republicans are closing ranks with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has pledged they won’t allow another Obama appointee to be confirmed during this election year.
Erich Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, contends that a vote to confirm any nominee put forth by Barack Obama is a vote to effectively cripple the Second Amendment.
“It’s a vote to establish the executive actions on gun control that Obama imposed in January. It’s a vote to do away with the private sales of firearms,” he states. “[And] it’s a vote to continue disarming military veterans with PTSD and disarming seniors because a family member is handling their finances.”
Despite the reported rallying of Republicans around McConnell, Pratt says his organization is fully aware the GOP has a tendency to fold in battles against this president.
“Everything we’ve heard so far from the [Republican] leadership has been good,” he acknowledges. “But they have a tendency to do that and then start caving with the liberal media just pounding on them. So what Americans need to do is rise up and be the counter-pressure against them.”
Pratt says for Obama it’s all about “fundamentally changing” America.