GOA Activists Help Rand Paul Put Harry Reid on the Defensive!
— Reid derails appropriations process in order to avoid gun vote
If there is any doubt about the hatred that Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats hold for the Second Amendment, that hatred was made apparent last week.
To review the bidding: The Senate was slated, last week, to consider amendments to the giant appropriations bill funding the Justice and Commerce Departments.
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) had submitted an amendment to prohibit Attorney General Eric Holder from continuing Operation Choke Point — a program designed to shut down gun stores by forcing banks to dry up their credit and to stop processing their credit card purchases.
You will remember that Gun Owners of America alerted you to the Paul amendment and urged you to take action in support of it. And, wow, did your efforts make an impact!
GOA is very grateful to the thousands upon thousands of you who took action on that alert, urging Senators to support the Operation Choke Point amendment.
It got Harry Reid’s attention!
Faced with a tough vote for Democrats running for reelection in pro-gun states, Reid just pulled the bill from the floor. This means that the appropriations process will probably grind to a halt, and the government will, once again, be funded by a gigantic “continuing resolution” passed in September.
And, once again, the slimy Reid will blame Senate Republicans for his own actions in pulling the bill.
At this point, we are encouraging Senator Paul to add his Operation Choke Point defunder to every bill that comes to the Senate floor. If Democrats are unwilling to let Senators vote on the anti-gun actions of the lawless Obama administration, then Reid should not be able to pepper the floor with a succession of reelection ploys between now and November.
ACTION: Contact your Senators and insist that they support Paul’s amendment to shut down Operation Choke Point.