Join GOA to Push Constitutional Carry in TX

Gun Owners of America Partnering with Texas G.O.L.D. for Lobby Day in Austin

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Join Gun Owners of America in Austin for Lobby Day on Thursday, March 2nd. 

Gun Owners of America is proud to partner with Texas G.O.L.D. (Gun Owners Lobby Day), a coordinated effort among many Texas & national gun groups to promote Constitutional Carry in Texas. 

Texas G.O.L.D. is scheduled in conjunction with the Republican Party of Texas legislative priority day, since Constitutional Carry is the #1 RPT legislative priority for this session!

This is the best opportunity to push Constitutional Carry through the legislature.

GOA’s Director of Operations John Velleco will join gun owners from across the state in Austin at 9:30 on Thursday morning.


Everything is located on the Capitol complex. (See p. 2 of the map.)

Park in the Capitol visitors’ parking garage at 12th & San Jacinto

Texas G.O.L.D. training & info room: JHR Building, Room 130 (NW of the Capitol)

RPT Training: REJ Conference Center (NE of the Capitol)

The training room buildings are a short walk from the north entrance of the Capitol.

What to do and when:

  • If you’d like training in bill process, committee hearings, testifying, etc., attend the RPT training from 9:30-12. Join our groups at 1pm to lobby for Constitutional Carry.
  • If you’re already familiar with the legislative process, attend our briefings at 10am or 1pm (or both) then join a team to visit all the legislators’ offices.
  • If you can join us only from 10-12 or 1-3, that is still helpful.
  • If those schedules don’t work, stop by JHR 130 anytime from 8am-4pm to pick up handouts and a free t-shirt (if pre-registered).


Registration is 100% free. Please register ASAP to help us prepare adequately.

  • If you plan to stop by the Texas G.O.L.D. room anytime on March 2, register here
  • If you plan to attend the RPT training from 9:30-noon, register here
  • If you plan to participate in both, please register for BOTH.

Please see full event info at the Texas G.O.L.D. page:

Join the facebook event here.