SC: Will Constitutional Carry be Hijacked?
Constitutional Carry Debate Continues Tomorrow
Dear friend,
I’ll be frank.
Clean Constitutional Carry is hanging on by a thread.
As the South Carolina Senate reconvenes tomorrow, they will continue to debate threatening, anti-gun amendments to your Constitutional Carry legislation.
In addition to “red flag” gun grabs and gun-free zones for Constitutional Carriers, powerful Senate Republicans introduced amendments to add people to South Carolina’s gun ban list, to be “more restrictive [than the federal government].”
If gun owners back off now, this legislation could turn into a huge, omnibus gun control bill.
Your Senator needs to hear a clear message: reject all anti-gun amendments and pass a clean, Constitutional Carry bill now!
So please speak up immediately, before the Senate reconvenes tomorrow.
In liberty,
Jordan Stein
Certified Firearms Instructor
Southeast Region Director
Gun Owners of America