(RSVP online at www.gunowners.org/scdinner)
Gun Owners of America Friend of the Second Amendment Dinner
With Larry Pratt and special guests Nikki Haley, Rep. Joe Wilson and Congressional candidate Jim Pratt
August 20, 2010
Time: Reception 6:30 pm, Dinner 7:00 pm
Location: The Medallion Center, 7309 Garner’s Ferry Road, Columbia, SC 29209
Cost: $45 per person; $80 per two persons; Table of 8 for $280
_______Number of tickets
______ I have enclosed a check
______Please charge my credit card
Name (please print)
Telephone Number
e-mail address
Please charge my _______Visa _______Mastercard _______Am Ex _______Discover
Card Number Exp Date
Signature (required for credit card transactions)
Please print and mail completed form to:
Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151
Please RSVP by August 16, 2010