PA: Pass HB 1066 to Strengthen Preemption
Tell your PA Representative to Stop Stalling on HB 1066!
The Pennsylvania House of Representatives has been stalling on HB 1066 since September of 2019.
It’s time to let your state rep know that you want them to tell House leadership to take this bill off the table and pass it immediately.
Rogue mayors, like Pittsburgh’s Bill Peduto or Philly’s Jim Kenny, are on a national crusade to bankrupt you, the law-abiding gun owner, by forcing you to spend thousands of dollars in legal fees to fight their blatantly illegal gun control ordinances
And while you are scraping change to find an attorney to defend yourself, these cities and municipalities are getting free help from billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety.
Make no mistake about it, their agenda is to end firearms preemption through a financial “war of attrition” against your Second Amendment rights.
The solution is HB 1066: But House leadership continues to stall on this important piece of legislation. That’s why you need to contact your representative today.
This bill provides law-abiding citizens the ability to recover damages, reasonable attorney fees, and costs if a court finds that a local ordinance violates the state firearms preemption law (Title 18 §6120).
Not only that, but the bill allows membership organizations, like GOA, to sue on your behalf.
Don’t allow your gun rights to be held at the mercy of Everytown and their political henchmen.
Contact your state representative today (see above) and urge him or her to demand that House leadership remove HB 1066 from the table and pass it without amendment.