MO: Second Amendment Sanctuary Bill Signed into Law!
Missouri just became the 12th Second Amendment sanctuary state!
Thanks to your help and persistence, the Second Amendment Sanctuary bill (HB 85) — sponsored by Rep. Jered Taylor (R) — was signed and enacted by Governor Parson. This means state and local government officials will be under order to NOT enforce ANY unconstitutional federal gun control laws, which will make it significantly less likely for Biden’s gun control to be enforced.
GOA believes it is important for you to know where your legislators stand, so according to the Missouri Legislature Website, here is how your legislators voted:
YEAS: Andrews, Atchison, Bailey, Baker, Basye, Billington, Black 7, Boggs, Bromley, Buchheit-Courtway, Burger, Busick, Chipman, Christofanelli, Coleman 32, Coleman 97, Cook, Copeland, Cupps, Davidson, Davis, Deaton, DeGroot, Dinkins, Eggleston, Falkner, Fishel Fitzwater, Francis, Gregory 51, Gregory 96, Grier, Griesheimer, Griffith, Haden, Haffner, Haley, Hannegan, Hardwick, Henderson, Hicks, Hill, Houx, Hovis, Hudson, Hurlbert, Kalberloh, Kelley 127,Kelly 141, Kidd, Knight, Lewis 6, Lovasco, Mayhew, McDaniel, McGaugh, McGirl, Morse, Murphy, O’Donnell, Owen, Patterson, Perkins, Pike, Plocher, Pollitt 52, Pollock 123, Porter, Pouche, Railsback, Reedy, Richey, Riggs, Riley, Roden, Roeber, Rone, Ruth, Sander, Schnelting, Schroer, Schwadron, Seitz, Sharpe 4, Shaul, Shields, Simmons, Smith 163, Stacy, Stephens 128, Taylor 139, Taylor 48, Thomas, Thompson, Toalson Reisch, Trent, Van Schoiack, Wallingford, Walsh 50, West, Wiemann, Wright, Mr. Speaker
NAYS: Adams, Aldridge, Anderson, Aune, Bangert, Baringer, Barnes, Bland Manlove, Bosley, Brown 27, Brown 70, Burnett, Burton, Butz, Clemens, Collins, Doll, Ellebracht, Fogle, Gray, Gunby, Johnson, Lewis 25, McCreery, Merideth, Mosley, Nurrenbern, Person, Price IV, Proudie, Quade, Rogers, Sauls, Sharp 36, Smith 67, Stevens 46, Terry, Turnbaugh, Unsicker, Walsh Moore 93, Weber, Windham, Young
Absent and/or Not Voting: Appelbaum, Black 137, Brown 16, Derges, Dogan, Evans, Ingle, Mackey, Phifer, Pietzman, Roberts, Rowland, Sassmann, Smith 155, Tate, Veit
YEAS: Bean, Bernskoetter, Brattin, Brown, Burlison, Cierpiot, Crawford, Eigel, Eslinger, Gannon, Hegeman, Hoskins, Hough, Luetkemeyer, Moon, O’Laughlin, Onder, Rehder, Rowden, Schatz, White, Wieland
NAYS: Arthur, Beck, May, Mosley, Razer, Rizzo, Roberts, Schupp, Washington, Williams
Absent and/or Not Voting: Koenig, Riddle
Please use our Legislator Lookup tool to find your State Representative and Senator and either “Thank or Spank” them accordingly by writing an email explaining how you feel about their vote!
Also, please THANK Governor Mike Parson for sticking up for your Second Amendment rights and signing HB 85 into law!