Meet GOA’s Erich Pratt in Jasper!
Meet GOA’s Erich Pratt at the Firearm Freedom Conference on Saturday, February 10.
Join Gun Owners of America today for less than a box of ammo!
You’re invited to the 2018 Freedom Firearm Conference!
Dear Friend:
Gun Owners of America’s Executive Director Erich Pratt will be speaking at the 2018 Freedom Firearm Conference on February 10th in Jasper, Alabama.
The Freedom Firearm Conference, hosted by our friends at BamaCarry, is an exciting opportunity for gun owners in Alabama to show their support of pro-gun causes like Constitutional Carry.
The event is this Saturday, February 10, and is located at:
The Jasper Civic Center
204 19th St E
Jasper, AL 35501.
Doors open at 8:30am, and Erich will be speaking at 2:15pm.
If you’re planning on attending or would like more information, please check out this Facebook Event.
Tickets are on sale for $25 until Thursday — and that includes lunch. (Tickets will be on sale at the door, but they will not include lunch.)
I know Erich is looking forward to this event, and I hope you’ll take an opportunity to attend!
In Liberty,
Jordan Stein
Director of Communications
Gun Owners of America
Follow me on Twitter: @jordankstein
PS: Would you consider chipping in $20, $50, or $100 so GOA can continue to fight for Constitutional Carry in Alabama and across the country? Any donation of $20 or more includes a one-year membership!