Pro-Gun Bills to be Voted on by Louisiana Senate
Louisiana Senate to Take Up Pro-Gun Legislation
Urge Your Senator to Support Pro-Gun Legislation
Four pro-gun bills passed out of the Senate Judiciary “C” Committee and will now head to the Senate floor for final passage.
Friday, May 29th, is the deadline for final passage of legislation for this session so it is imperative that we reach out to our Senators as soon as possible to let them know that Louisiana gun owners are in full support of the following bills.
As such, I ask that you please contact your Senator and urge him or her to support the following pro-gun bills:
House Bill No. 140, by Rep. Blake Miguez (R) Dist. 49, strengthens Louisiana’s firearm preemption law by prohibiting any governing authority of a political subdivision (local government) from enacting any ordinance or regulation that is more restrictive than state law concerning the possession of a weapon or firearm in certain commercial establishments and public buildings.
House Bill No. 334, by Rep. Bryan Fontenot (R) Dist. 55, authorizes a concealed handgun permit holder to carry a concealed handgun in a church, synagogue, mosque, or other similar place of worship without being subject to the present limitation on a permit holder’s authority to carry in such places.
House Bill No. 746, by Rep. Ray Garofalo (R) Dist. 103, allows any person who can lawfully possess a firearm to carry a concealed firearm during a mandatory evacuation in a declared state of emergency or disaster.
House Bill No. 781, by Rep. Blake Miguez (R) Dist. 49, removes the authority of executive and chief law enforcement officers to regulate the manufacture, sale, and possession of firearms or ammunition during a declared emergency or disaster, or public health emergency.