Ellis County Becomes Latest ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’

Photo by Rene Gomez.

“I don’t think this is really a controversial resolution. It is very, very, very similar to others being passed around the state,” said Commissioner Paul Perry after introducing the measure to the commissioners’ court in Ellis county.

While Commissioner Kyle Butler was absent from the meeting for the birth of a new grandchild, Judge Todd Little and Commissioners Randy Stinson, Lane Grayson, and Perry voted unanimously to declare Ellis County a “Second Amendment sanctuary county.”

The resolution stated that the county would not “authorize or appropriate government funds, resources, employees, agencies, contractors, buildings, detention centers, or offices for the purpose of enforcing law that unconstitutionally infringes on the right of the people to keep and bear arms.”

Similar resolutions have gained traction recently, especially in rural Texas counties, in light of increased discussion from elected officials about “red flag” lawsexpanded background checks, and firearm confiscation

Rachel Malone of Gun Owners of America also spoke at the meeting, arguing in favor of the resolution.

Acknowledging Hedtke’s point that more specificity would be helpful, Malone added, “But this resolution does take a very important step of affirming that you understand the role of the county sheriff; you’ll have his back when he does his job.”

Read More at The Texan