Concealed Carrier Fends Off Attacker Without Firing A Shot!
Concealed Carrier Fends Off Attacker Without Firing A Shot!
A former neighbor showed up on the doorstep of a man and called him a terrorist. This is easily a situation that could have gone downhill quickly.
Nobody likes disgruntled people showing up on their doorstep and fewer like to be greeted with kicks and punches and name-calling. After successfully fending off the assault, the victim then was told by the suspect that he would return with a gun and kill both the victim and the victim’s roommate.
The Booster reports this is when the victim drew his concealed carry pistol.
According to a report from the Columbus Division of Police, the victim said he and a woman with whom he shares an address were kicked and struck by the man, a former neighbor of theirs. Reports said the suspect threatened to get a gun and kill the pair, at which point the man said he produced his own weapon, for which he has a concealed-carry permit.