Join GOA at the Culture Engagement Summit in Memphis for FREE
Take Back Our Culture from the Anti-Gunners

Make plans to join GOA at the Culture Engagement Summit on April 30th in Memphis for FREE by using the code “GOA” when you sign up above.
Join GOA in Memphis at the Culture Engagement Summit
Dear friend,
Our culture is flooded with radical anti-gun messages – from politicians and TV shows, to the media and movies, and even to our schools.
Second Amendment supporters can no longer stand idly by while establishment forces attempt to erase the founding principles of our country, like the right to keep and bear arms.
However, we have an opportunity to learn how to take back our culture at the Culture Engagement Summit, hosted by Citizens for America Foundation. This event is Saturday, April 30th at the Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary in Memphis, TN.
In fact, GOA members have the incredible opportunity to attend this event for FREE! Just be sure to use the code “GOA” when you register! If possible, please register by April 15th.
You’ll have the opportunity to hear from constitutional scholar Rick Green, pro-gun former Senator Jim DeMint, as well as pro-gun former Congressmen Mark Meadows and Steve Stockman.
Further, GOA will be conducting breakout sessions on the Source of the Second Amendment that you won’t want to miss.
As a GOA member, you receive FREE admittance when you sign up with the code “GOA.” This is an incredible benefit you have for being a supporter of Gun Owners of America!
Here’s the details:
What: Culture Engagement Summit
Where: 2095 Appling Rd, Cordova, TN 38016 (Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary)
When: April 30th, beginning at 7 AM
Cost: FREE when you sign up with the code “GOA”
In the meantime, I was interviewed by the Founder and President of Citizens for America Foundation, Dr. Chris Hughes. Take a listen here!
I hope you’ll take the opportunity to join GOA attend this event.
In liberty,
Jordan Stein
Southeast Regional Director
Gun Owners of America