Vermont Needs No New Gun Laws
Keep Up the Pressure in Montpelier
Dear friend:
I want to thank everyone who turned out to the state capitol. Reports estimate that over 1,000-gun rights supporters came out to tell state lawmakers that Vermont needs no new gun laws.
And that’s the exact message we need to keep telling them.
So please do two things.
Then please leave a short message at the Sergeant At Arms 802-828-2228. Tell them Vermont needs no new gun control.
Thanks in advance for taking action.
In Liberty,
Jordan Stein
Director of Communications
Gun Owners of America
Follow me on Twitter: @jordankstein
PS: If you weren’t able to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee, you can still submit a written testimony by emailing [email protected] (include “firearm bills” in the subject line). And then please consider a contributing $20, $30, or $50 to the fight. (Donation of $20 or more includes a one-year membership!)
P.P.S. If you can, please consider attending the Barre Gun Show this weekend. More information here.