WV: The Keep, Bear, and Drive with Arms Act Advances!
HB 4048, The WV Keep, Bear, and Drive with Arms Act is Moving Forward
Gun owners are making some incredible advancements in restoring your Second Amendment rights in West Virginia. For too long, complacency has let the powers that be dictate to us what the limits of our rights are. However, we are no longer silent, but with your help we can take back what is ours.
HB 4048 is on the Move!
HB 4048, the WV Keep, Bear, and Drive with Arms Act, is a bill that will allow you to travel in your vehicle with the defensive weapon of your choosing. In recent years, most West Virginians were only permitted to have a loaded pistol in their vehicles. These restrictions place an unnecessary burden on West Virginians who just want to feel comfortable defending themselves or their families with a familiar firearm platform.
HB 4048 also addresses poaching concerns by clearly defining what poaching is, ensuring that possessing a loaded long gun in one’s vehicle does not automatically mean one is poaching.
Especially as a Constitutional Carry state, West Virginians should be free to responsibly exercise their right of self-defense with the firearm of their choice, whether with a handgun or long gun.
CLICK ABOVE to urge your state Representative to support this bill immediately!
Another Pro-Gun Bill Needs Your Support
HB 2159 is a Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) that builds upon the previously-passed SAPA in West Virginia. Notably, HB 2159 bans any law enforcement officer that enforces gun control from further employment in law enforcement.
This bill makes great strides in protecting gun owners in the Mountain State, but it’s currently not scheduled to be advanced in the House.
Please call the House Judiciary Members TODAY at 304-340-3252 and request that the bill be placed on the Committee agenda as soon as possible!