TX: Gov. Abbott Must Use TX’s 2A Sanctuary to Say “NO!”
Have you heard about President Biden’s new draconian gun control proposals? It seems like every week he releases a new unconstitutional plan to infringe on your rights. That’s why it’s critical for Governor Greg Abbott to commit that he will utilize the newly-passed Second Amendment Sanctuary bill to ensure that Texas is not complicit in any Biden-Harris gun control schemes.
Biden has been proposing gun control at an alarming rate – from banning pistol braces to targeting homemade firearms and moving toward a national gun registry. And he’s pushing the nomination of an ATF Director who despises your rights and would love to abuse the power of the ATF to turn honest gun owners into felons.
However, Governor Abbott just signed HB 2622, the Second Amendment Sanctuary bill. This legislation is designed to help in exactly this kind of situation: it keeps Texas agencies, employees of agencies, and law enforcement from enforcing any Federal gun-grab legislation or regulations enacted after January 19, 2021.
But words on paper don’t mean anything unless they’re applied in practice. We need to be absolutely sure that Texas will stand strong and refuse to enforce any federal regulations.
Congressman Chip Roy is leading the way. Earlier today, he sent a letter to Governor Abbott urging Abbott to stand against Biden’s gun control. The letter was signed by eight other members of the Texas Congressional Delegation, and we’ve already heard of additional members who want to sign.
Texas Attorney General Paxton has already strongly condemned Biden’s unconstitutional proposals and promised to use every means possible to stand against them. See his fiery letter here.
And in Missouri, Governor Parson already announced that he will be utilizing his state’s new firearms protection bill to keep Missouri from enforcing any of Biden’s schemes, saying he will fight “tooth and nail” for the rights of those in his state.
Now Texans need to hear from Governor Abbott! Please use the form above to contact him!