8/99 Government Regulations Kill Children
The Times
More children have been killed by airbags
For those of you concerned about the school shootings, vou might be interested to know that since 1993, 82 students have been murdered in shootings in schools according to the National School Safety Center. However, there have been 99 children killed by airbags mandated by the federal government. Think about it.
Gun Owners Of America – Administration
As with airbags, Professor John Lott of the Chicago University School of Law has found there are unintended consequences with gun control.
Gun control kills innocent people — people that could have defended themselves, had they not been disarmed by useless gun controls that never keep guns out of the hands of criminals.
Please say “No” to more government restrictions on individual liberties. Please say “NO” to the anti-gun juvenile crime bill.
Provided by Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151, (703) 321-8585