3/17/00 GOA Blasts Clinton For Extorting The Gun Industry

GOA Blasts Clinton for Extorting the Gun Industry

For Immediate Release
March 17, 2000
For Further Information Contact John Velleco 703-321-8585

(Springfield, VA) — Gun Owners of America today blasted the President for extorting companies like Smith and Wesson into accepting anti-safety provisions that will cost lives.

“The President is using extortion through his lawsuits against the gun industry to get what he wants,” said GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt.

“The President is suing legal American businesses. When the Congress didn’t do what he wanted — which is to pass more gun control — he went to the federal courts to circumvent the democratic process.

“But why go after a company in court for selling a legal product that is constitutionally protected and legally sold over the counter? It’s despicable to use legal extortion through harassing lawsuits to punish legitimate sellers of these guns.

“If a total gun ban in England has not stopped criminals from getting guns and creating a crime wave that is higher than ours, what makes us think that background checks and trigger locks are going to do any better here?

“The fact is, these anti-safety gun restrictions that the President is supporting will cost lives. They will hurt the ability of honest people to defend themselves. And that’s the bottom line.”

Gun Owners of America is a national grassroots lobbying organization of over 200,000 members located at 8001 Forbes Place in Springfield, Virginia 22151.