Why I Cannot Support Concealed Carry Weapons Permits (And Why You Shouldn’t Either!)
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Mac Slavo Published: 14 January 2014
John Filippidis is a Concealed and Carry Weapons permit holder, which means he can carry his firearm on his person or in his car legally. He followed all applicable laws in the State of Florida to obtain his permit, and has been a lawful citizen since being “given the right” to retain a firearm when in public.
Recently he was driving through the State of Maryland on a family vacation when he was stopped, for no apparent reason, by a law enforcement officer who had trailed his car for at least ten minutes.
[readon2 url=”http://www.infowars.com/why-i-cannot-support-concealed-carry-weapons-permits-and-why-you-shouldnt-either/”]Read the rest at Info Wars[/readon2]