Oregon Democrat confirms amnesty danger to gun rights
Calling it the “civil rights battle” for millennials that will decide who controls the the country for the next three decades, Democrat Rep. Kurt Schrader of Oregon says immigration “will decide who is in charge of this country for the next 20 or 30 years,” the Portland Tribune reported Monday. Schraeder’s observation highlights a contention made by Gun Owners of America that amnesty is a threat to the right to keep and bear arms. That position has so far been avoided by other national gun rights groups which refuse to acknowledge the issue, or to score political ratings and endorsements accordingly.
That avoidance is in spite of the fact that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has stated illegal aliens have “earned the right to be citizens. It’s in spite of all credible polling showing the foreigners to be overwhelmingly Democrat and anti-gun in their sympathies.
It’s also in spite of almost daily revelations corroborating the increasing danger, and not just from the “illegal” side of the equation. Just within the past day, we’ve learned that Muslim immigration is outpacing that from Mexico and Central America, that 40 percent of New Yorkers are now foreign-born and half the residents of New York City speak a language other than English at home. We’ve also seen that the Border Patrol has been ordered to curtail deportations. Both legal and illegal immigration are being exploited by cheap labor Republicans and “earned citizenship” Democrats, both counting on the directed “cultural terraforming” to advance globalist interests and “fundamentally transform” the country.