LA: Constitutional Carry Filed in Upcoming Special Session

Two Constitutional Carry bills, Senate Bill 1 by State Senator Blake Miguez and House Bill 12 by State Representative Danny McCormick, have been filed in the upcoming special legislative session scheduled to begin Monday, February 19th.

Please take action and ask your Louisiana state senator and representative to support Constitutional Carry!

Both Constitutional Carry bills restore the ability of law-abiding gun owners, 18 years and older, to carry a concealed handgun in Louisiana without a permit, subject to certain carry restrictions found in the concealed handgun permit statute La. R.S. 40:1379.3.

Governor Landry issued an official proclamation calling for a special legislative session to address crime and criminal justice issues. Included in the proclamation, and in fulfillment of his promise that he would see Constitutional Carry passed, is a provision giving lawmakers the ability to introduce legislation “to authorize the carrying of concealed weapons by certain persons without the necessity of obtaining a permit.”

Once the special legislative session begins and SB 1 and HB 12 have been scheduled for hearings, GOA will alert you ASAP to take action!  So be on the lookout for future alerts. 

Until then, please take action and contact your Louisiana state senator and representative in support of Constitutional Carry, and let’s make Louisiana the 28th state to restore permitless concealed carry to the people!

In Liberty,

Joshua S. Barnhill
Louisiana Director
Gun Owners of America