09/95 Istook Amendment Update
Welfare for Anti-gun Lobbyists Still Alive and Kicking
Send telegrams to Newt; call Senators
Gun Owners of America
(Tuesday, September 26) — The conferees working on the Treasury/Postal Appropriations bill (H.R. 2020) have still not resolved whether the Istook amendment stays in the bill. The Istook amendment will put the pro-Second Amendment side on an equal footing with the anti-gun lobby by forcing groups that have lobbied for restrictive gun control laws — like the American Bar Association and the American Association of Retired Persons — to decide between whether to continue receiving federal funds or whether to continue lobbying.
Hill offices have told us that your calls are definitely having an effect. But we need to keep the pressure going. Any delay may also give the anti-Istook lobbyists time to start generating phone calls. Therefore, it’s time to step up the level of constituent warfare.
* Send a Western Union telegram by calling 1-800-651-1GUN (1486). Telegrams will be sent to House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole and House Appropriations Committee Chairman Bob Livingston. The telegrams urge these leaders to do everything in their power to make sure the Treasury/Postal Appropriation conferees keep the Istook amendment in H.R. 2020. All three leaders are urged to do more than just support the Istook amendment; they are prompted to lobby the conferees directly and insist that they “veto” the bill if the Istook amendment is removed. A charge of $8.95 will be credited to your phone bill.
* An aide for Rep. Istook says that government-supported lobby groups are working on the Senators. Thus, Istook’s office says they need gun owners to call their Senators and urge them to support the Istook amendment and oppose H.R. 2020 if it does not have the amendment in it. Call your Senators at 1-800-962-3524, 1-800-872-8513 or 202-224-3121.
Note: The House of Representatives is out of session until late Wednesday afternoon, which means the earliest time for the conferees to resume meeting is probably Thursday. Keep calling and get your friends and family to send Western Union telegrams.
P.S. Good news! Rep. Steve Stockman yesterday introduced a bill to repeal the Brady law (H.R. 2393). Joining him were four original co-sponsors: Reps. Chenoweth (ID), Funderburk (NC), Hostettler (IN) and Young (AK).
This alert was posted by Gun Owners of America, 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151, (703)321-8585, fax: 321-8408.