DE: State House Committee Passes Gun Control Bills; Floor Vote Coming Soon
Written by
Michael Csencsits Published: 09 June 2022
As we mentioned in our alert on Tuesday, there is a slew of anti-gun bills on the agenda in the coming days/weeks, including but not limited to a magazine ban, a semi-automatic ban, and a ban on young adults (under 21 years old) buying firearms.
- Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 6 would ban magazines that hold more than 17 rounds. This bill just passed in the Senate at 2pm Tuesday. It will likely head to the House for a vote next week.
- House Bill 450 is a so-called “assault weapons” ban that would outlaw most semi-automatic firearms.
- House Bill 451 bans the purchase and possession of all firearms and ammunition from adults under the age of 21, effectively preventing thousands of adults from defending themselves and their families.
Both House Bills passed in the House Admin Committee Hearing yesterday morning.
This means they could be voted on in the House as early as TODAY.
Even if you took action on Tuesday, please click here to urge your State Representative to OPPOSE all three of these bills when it comes time to vote.
These attacks on the Second Amendment must be stopped, and action is required IMMEDIATELY.