Ban Assault Weapons NOW! Believe Would-Be Murderers Will Follow The Law CAMPUS CARRY
The gun control advocacy operation Ban Assault Weapons NOW! (BAWN) is alarmed. They’ve let their fans know in their latest email blast that “lawmakers in the Florida House just filed a dangerous ‘campus carry’ bill for the upcoming legislative session, which would allow college students to bring guns into their dorms and classrooms.”
Campus Carry: Rather than Promoting Danger, the Bill will actually Promote Public Safety
But BAWN is misrepresenting HB 6001, sponsored by Rep. Anthony Sabatini. GOA strongly supports HB 6001 because allowing law-abiding, responsible adults to go about armed, whether on a college campus, or anywhere else makes everyone safer.
BAWN is either ignorant of criminal behavior delusional if they think a law on the books and a sign on a door will stop a homicidal individual from committing murder.
The truth of the matter is no one has anything to fear from those who lawfully carry guns for self-defense. Rather, concealed carry makes everyone safer because a would-be murderer has no way of knowing if his intended victims are armed and able to stop an attack.
The November 14, 2014 shooting at Florida State University’s Strozier Library, and every other shooting in a gun-free zone, proved that. Nathan Scott, a student working at the library, was shot by a criminal. Mr. Scott also had a Florida Concealed Weapons or Firearms License, but he wasn’t permitted to carry on campus. He followed the law and it cost him his life.
We must fight to end “gun-free” zones.
Clearly, the words printed in the statute books and FSU’s student manual didn’t stop the shooter from carrying out his deadly attack. Criminals don’t care if it is illegal to carry on campus, just as the FSU killer didn’t care that shooting innocent people is also against the law.
BAWN is apparently delusional enoughto believe that their support for banning campus carry will prevent even a single crime. Past events have already shown this to be false. Our students, faculty, visitors and support staff, all deserve the right to be able to defend themselves. An imaginary line delineating campus property — and in-turn, deciding where a law-abiding person can and can’t defend themselves — costs lives.
GOA members and gun owners all across Florida are fighting to make sure that Rep. Sabatini’s campus carry bill, HB 6001, will receive a public hearing in committee and then will advance to the floor for a recorded roll call vote. House Speaker Chris Sprowls has assigned HB 6001 to the Criminal Justice & Public Safety Subcommittee thanks to gun rights supporters messaging him.
GOA is all about the grassroots. That’s why we need you to put the pressure on House Speaker Sprowls and on the Criminal Justice & Public Safety Subcommittee.
BAWN! is throwing its weight around to try to pressure Sprowls to use the power of his office to defeat HB 6001. BAWN! wants Sprowls to instruct the Criminal Justice & Public Safety Subcommittee to not even put HB 6001 on the committee’s agenda for a vote. Don’t let them get away with that.
Read more at The Truth About Guns