Obama Wants to Tie the UN Noose Even Tighter Around the Necks of Gun Owners

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ACTION: Click here to contact your senators. Tell them to vote NO on any UN gun control agreement reached at the Mexico UN conference.

Obama wants more UN-styled gun control

Right now White House officials are booking flights to Mexico…… and they’re not bringing back souvenirs.

They’re on their way to the UN Small Arms Conference, to be held in Mexico City on August 24.

And they’re planning to bring back the framework for a global gun control regime.

It’s important that you contact your Senators right now and tell them to vote NO on any agreement reached at the Mexico UN conference.

Obama has already signed the UN Small Arms Treaty and it is waiting ratification by the Senate.

Obama’s global gun grabbers are jetting down to Mexico to iron out the details of this tyrannical new regime.

It requires signing nations to “establish and maintain a national control system, including a national control list.”

That means not just NATIONAL gun registration. You will be entered into a GLOBAL gun registration database (according to Article V, Section 4 of the treaty).

Over the past century, we have seen registration lists used as a prelude to gun confiscation in countries like Rwanda, Cambodia and many more.

Gun confiscation, in turn, led to horrific genocides in many of these countries — including Rwanda and Cambodia.

Imagine dictators around the world — who can control the UN blue helmets (aka, the UN military force) — having your name on record as a gun owner.

It’s preposterous! And this is why the Senate MUST kill this toxic agreement.

Please take action to defend your gun rights.

ACTION: Contact your senators right now. Tell them to vote NO on any agreement reached at the Mexico UN conference.