Gun Control Education To Be Voted On Soon

Gun Control Education To Be Voted On This Week

Last month, Gun Owners of America alerted you to legislation that would continue the dangerous trend towards erasing our foundational principles from America’s schools — principles such as the right to keep and bear arms.

It now appears that the bill may be “fast tracked” to the House floor for a vote.

That legislation is H.R. 1078, a bill which gives unelected bureaucrats the power to set up Presidential Academies to train educators — educators who will end up teaching revisionist history and civics.

Already, federally subsidized curricula in the schools have been chipping away at national sovereignty and the notion of God-given rights for several years. For example, We the People — a federally subsidized textbook — is so welded to a revisionist view, the Second Amendment isn’t even mentioned in the section discussing which of the Bill of Rights are relevant today!

And while the book does discuss the Second Amendment in a historical context, it does so in a way that causes the student to start questioning the wisdom of the amendment, asking the student whether the right to keep and bear arms is still as “important today” as it was in the eighteenth century and to decide what “limitations” should be placed on the right.

In other words, our gun rights evolve with the times.

We the People also pushes global citizenship over national citizenship, encouraging students to think in terms of global (i.e., UN) solutions. This gets kids used to the notion that unelected UN bureaucrats can override and change our ways of doing things in this country, in order to bring our nation into greater “harmony” with the rest of the world.

If that happens, you can kiss your gun rights goodbye.

This legislation could be voted on as early as Wednesday (9/9/03) or Thursday (9/10/03). Please contact your Representative immediately and ask him or her to oppose both H.R. 1078 and S. 504.

ACTION: Time is of the essence. Please urge your Representative to oppose H.R. 1078 and S. 504, bills which will contribute to dumbing down the next generation of Americans — at least as far as our constitutional rights are concerned.


Dear Representative,

Gun Owners of America has informed me that Senate leaders would like the House to bring up S. 504 in an expedited manner.

If S. 504 (or its House counterpart, H.R. 1078) is enacted, educators will be encouraged to teach that I do not have an individual right to keep and bear arms. It will establish Presidential Academies on teaching civics and history which will use anti-gun texts like We the People — the taxpayer-subsidized textbook that conforms to the federal guidelines on teaching civics and history.

This book does not teach that Americans have a Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms that applies TODAY. Instead, the book encourages students to start questioning the wisdom of the Second Amendment, asking the student whether the right to keep and bear arms is still as “important today” as it was in the eighteenth century and to decide what “limitations” should be placed on the right.

We the People also encourages students to begin thinking of themselves as global citizens, as opposed to citizens of this country. This gets kids used to the notion that unelected UN bureaucrats can override and change our ways of doing things in this country, in order to bring our nation into greater “harmony” with the rest of the world.

Again, this poses a great danger to my Second Amendment rights, and I would hope that you will never vote for a bill that will allow unelected bureaucrats to further inculcate teachers in this radical, revisionist ideology.

We already have too much Federal involvement in education, and the results have not been good. As control over education becomes more and more federalized, it seems that the ideas which children are learning become more and more radical. Please vote against S. 504 and H.R. 1078, two bills which are decidedly anti-gun.
