Senator Joe Manchin Steps up his Campaign of Lies
Don’t let your Senator fall for his “superficial” changes!
Don’t let your Senator fall for his “superficial” changes!
Recently, we alerted you to the intense pressure that pro-gun Senators are experiencing right now. You guys unleashed a torrent of grassroots activism in response, and we are starting to get great feedback as to where Senators currently stand.
Within the past 48 hours, we have seen clear evidence that West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin and his staff have openly lied about the status of talks with two Republican Senators.
Manchin is claiming that two Senators who originally opposed his background-registration check amendment would flip their votes if “superficial changes” were made to the text.
But at the request of Gun Owners of America, a prominent constituent spoke with his U.S. Senator in regard to the allegations that Manchin was making about that particular Senator. The constituent reported that his Senator called Manchin’s representations a “lie.”
In a separate case, Manchin claimed to have been in talks with a particular Senate office; but three staffers who would have been part of those talks denied the truth of Manchin’s public representations.
Since Manchin had earlier lied about the status of talks with Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn, a standard operating procedure is becoming clear: Manchin is obsessively lying in order to create a false sense of momentum.
Manchin is not the only Bloomberg puppet in the Senate. On Tuesday, California Senator Barbara Boxer filibustered an amendment that would extend firearm owners’ protection in national parks to Army Corps of Engineer projects.
But, in a Senate where a senator’s word has traditionally been regarded as sacred, the first-full-term West Virginia senator has shown a tremendous willingness to engage in open fraud in order to destroy the Second Amendment.
Manchin is now circulating a list of bribes he is trying to use to buy off Republican votes which GOA predicted would happen. Some of these bribes, like an amendment which would supposedly ameliorate the nasty implications of his amendment for rural states like Alaska, are merely superficial and ineffectual.
Others, like opening the NICS list to local police, are just massive violations of individual rights allowing many names to be inserted into the NICS system without due process.
ACTION: Contact your U.S. Senators. Warn them that, in violation of the Senate’s most sacred traditions, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin is engaging in fraud, lies, and bribes in order to advance gun control.
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