03/97 Week-Long Debate On AOL


by Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151
Saturday, March 01, 1997

*** Even if you don’t use AOL, please read! *****

Beginning Monday, March 3rd, Executive Director Larry Pratt will be squaring off against the Coalition Against Gun Violence in a forum-style debate to be hosted by America OnLine.

Since this is an open forum, your participation is needed to make certain that the opposition can’t claim “victory of numbers”. Larry will need lots of help to counter the barrage of ridiculous claims that are certain to be made.

Don’t think for a second that CAGV isn’t notifying their supporters this very minute. Here’s our chance to show almost 7 million AOL subscribers that we are informed, dedicated, and RIGHT!

Those of you who don’t subscribe to AOL, please try to get together with someone you know who does. Take turns if you have to; a week can be a long time, and every piece of gun-grabbing pseudo-science needs to be refuted.

Here is the notification that Larry received about the format:

“Your role will be this: You will provide an article that lays out your position on gun control. That article should be no more than two pages long–you want your article to be both concise and a good read. You will need to raise a series of arguments against gun control that will form the basis of a debate on this issue. Members will read your article, along with a similar article in favor of gun control from the Coalition Against Gun Violence. Then the debate will begin. Members will post their opinions and queries on a message board on gun control. This is a public debate where each can see the posting of the others. You should plan to take a look at those boards daily and reply as necessary.”

And here are some navigational tips, also provided to Larry:

“Once you are on America Online, you can access this feature on The Great Debate by following these directions: Ctrl + k will open a keyword panel, type great debate. Once you are at the Great Debate main page, click on “message board at the bottom of the screen”. Then, click on “Take an Inside Peek,” which will take you to this feature. (Hint: you are looking for Inside Peek Message Boards).”

Remember, Larry will be there every day monitoring our progress and standing up for freedom– but he can’t do it alone. Please participate!

If you need talking points, jump on the web and download the GOA 1997 Firearms Fact Sheet. The URL is:


Final Note:

Please don’t be abusive. Some of the things you will read might turn your stomach. But while we can’t convert the opposition, we *can* show the undecideds that Gun Owners are passionate citizens who refuse to surrender our Constitutional rights, period. Make ’em think!