Levin Amendment Could Cripple Gun Industry
Backdoor Gun Control To Be Voted On In The Senate
— Your Senators must hear from you immediately
Gun Owners of America
(Tuesday, February 1, 2000) — As early as tomorrow morning, the Senate is expected to vote on an amendment to the bankruptcy bill, offered by Michigan anti-gun Senator Carl Levin, which would take a major step toward eliminating the manufacture and sales of firearms in America.
Currently, 30 counties and municipalities have brought frivolous suits against gun manufacturers and dealers. In some cases, these manufacturers have had to fight to force their insurance companies to defend them in this politically motivated litigation.
The Levin amendment would provide that, if a Leftist judge, such as New York’s Jack Weinstein, entered an enormous judgment against a firearms manufacturer or dealer, the manufacturer or dealer could not avoid the judgment by declaring bankruptcy, even if the judgment massively exceeded the total assets of the manufacturer or dealer.
The purpose of the Levin amendment is obvious: to insure, even if the gun industry is successful in defeating 29 out of 30 politically motivated suits, that a single substantial loss can destroy every major American firearms manufacturer — and ruin the lives of the owners and managers. No one should assume that firearms will continue to be made or sold if this occurs.
No other American industry is singled out for punishment in this way.
Obviously, a secondary goal of the Levin amendment is to pressure dealers and manufacturers to bargain away your Second Amendment rights in order to avoid the possibility of such a disastrous non-dischargeable judgment.
ACTION: Call or e-mail your two Senators and ask them to vote to table (kill) the Levin anti-gun amendment to the bankruptcy bill (S. 625). Let them know that the purpose of frivolous anti-gun lawsuits is nothing less than the elimination of firearms manufacture and sales in our country. Remember that the vote will probably occur on Wednesday morning, February 2.
You can reach your Senators toll-free at 1-888-449-3511, or at 202-224-3121. E-mail addresses and fax numbers are available on the GOA website.
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