AR: Second Amendment Sanctuary Vetoed by Governor – Still Time to Override his Decision!

Just two weeks ago, we were very happy to inform you that SB 298 was passed in both chambers and only needed the governor’s signature to make Arkansas a 2A Sanctuary. However, on Friday April 23, Governor Hutchinson made an anti-gun decision and vetoed the bill.

Governor Hutchinson claims he vetoed it because it would hurt police, but that is a lie. If anything, this bill would help police follow their oath to the Constitution by not allowing them to help the federal government enforce their unconstitutional laws.

There is still time for Arkansas Legislators to Override the Governor’s veto. An override vote may even occur TODAY! Please use GOA’s Legislator Lookup tool to find your State Representative and Senator, and give them both a call. You may use this phone script:

“Hi, my name is [____]. I’m calling to ask the [Senator or Representative] to override the Governor’s veto on SB 298. This legislation is very important to me, and Gun Owners of America will be keeping me informed on who votes for it.”

Then, send them both a follow-up email by clicking here!