Report: The Gun Industry Has Ballooned Under Obama, Added More than 100,000 Gun-Related Jobs During His Presidency
The gun industry has boomed under President Barack Obama, according to a new study from the National Shooting Sports Foundation, resulting in a significant increase of gun-related jobs throughout the United States.
The number of full-time jobs in the gun industry has ballooned from approximately 166,000 in 2008 to nearly 288,000 in 2016, according to the report. That’s an increase of more than 73 percent in just eight years. In 2015 alone, the industry added nearly 25,000 jobs.
The report estimates that the current economic output of the gun and ammunition industries is more than $49 billion. That represents an increase of more than 158 percent compared to 2008, when the estimated economic output of the firearms industry was only $19.1 billion.
The study also found that jobs in the gun industry are “good jobs,” explaining that the current worker in the firearms industry earns an average of $50,180 annually in wages and benefits. Wages in the industry have seen an increase of more than 126 percent compared to 2008….