Revealed: Aurora shoote was taking prescription antidepressants and hypnosis drugs
(NaturalNews) Once again the alternative press is proven correct with the assertion that the No. 1 cause of violent shootings is mind-altering psychiatric drugs. New information has been released about the prescription drugs being taken by xxxx, the mind-controlled Aurora Colorado “Batman” movie theater shooter, and it reveals he was taking two mind-altering prescription medications, including a generic version of Zoloft.
I publicly predicted this on July 20 of 2012, when I wrote, “it is highly likely that xxxx has been on psychiatric drugs. Not only does he fit the classic definition of a person typically put on psych drugs — young white disturbed male — his actions in the movie theater almost perfectly resemble those of the psyched-out shooters in the 1999 Columbine High School massacre: xxxxx xxxxx.”