Michael Bloomberg Group Misrepresents Reciprocity, Attacks GOA
Michael Bloomberg Group Misrepresents Reciprocity, Attacks GOA
Michael Bloomberg’s gun control group, Everytown, is lobbying hard against concealed carry reciprocity, yet it seems this group does not know the current laws surrounding reciprocity.
Michael Bloomberg Group Misrepresents Reciprocity, Attacks GOA
For example, Everytown tweeted this image on concealed carry reciprocity:
“Concealed carry reciprocity” would make the weakest link the law of the land for who can carry loaded, hidden handguns in public. #StopCCR pic.twitter.com/m4XgudQAEP
— Everytown (@Everytown) July 22, 2017
The image claims that the Ohio permitting system stops “abusive dating partners” from carrying a gun, while the Pennsylvania permitting system does not. Everytown implies that if reciprocity were allowed between the states, then the alleged “partners” could abuse their partners across state lines.
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However, Everytown seems to be unaware of some inconvenient facts.
First, and ironically, Ohio and Pennsylvania already have reciprocity! According to handgunlaw.us, individuals with Ohio permits may carry into Pennsylvania, and individuals with Pennsylvania permits may carry into Ohio. But there seems to be no epidemic of Pennsylvania permit holders abusing their girlfriends in Ohio.
The simple fact is criminals do not get concealed carry permits. In fact, concealed carriers are some of the safest members of society. Criminals will always ignore the law, and that’s why it’s so important for the good guys to be armed (even without government permission).
Not to mention that over 91 percent of rank-and-file police officers support concealed carry by honest citizens.
But despite Everytown’s claims, the reciprocity legislation in Congress will enable eligible concealed carriers (the good guys) to carry across the country.
Fortunately, Gun Owners of America has been working around the clock to combat Michael Bloomberg, Everytown, and the gun controllers’ claims in order to pass reciprocity.
You can help GOA by joining – it costs less than a box of ammo and goes a long way in reclaiming the Second Amendment.
UPDATE: Everytown has attacked a video produced by GOA in a series of two tweets.
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The first tweet claimed that concealed reciprocity is a threat to public safety.
“Concealed carry reciprocity” is a threat to public safety. Someone should tell @GunOwners, who just praised the dangerous policy in new ad pic.twitter.com/wbSWR9WpfJ
— Everytown (@Everytown) July 27, 2017
In the next quoted tweet, Everytown continues their attack by claiming that the “weakest link” of concealed carry laws would be “the law of the land.”
This dangerous policy would make the weakest state gun laws the law of the land for who can carry a concealed handgun. We must #StopCCR https://t.co/WNgHh5wX9w
— Everytown (@Everytown) July 27, 2017
GOA responded, declaring that gun free zones – where over 90 percent of public mass shootings have occurred – are the real threat to public safety.
Wrong, @Everytown. “Gun free zones” are the REAL threat to public safety. https://t.co/5vL8azdx0v
— GOA (@GunOwners) July 27, 2017
Also, GOA staffers called out Everytown on Twitter.
GOA’s Director of Operations, John Velleco, reminded Everytown of the dangers of gun free zones.
Someone should tell @Everytown that gun free zones are the REAL threat to public safety. #2A https://t.co/mWdmHcnvKu
— John Velleco (@Velleco) July 27, 2017
And here is another one, showing the hypocrisy of Everytown’s position.
Everytown attacks concealed carry reciprocity, so I guess that means they want to leave women like Shaneen Allen defenseless.
— Jordan Stein (@jordankstein) July 27, 2017
While Everytown again shows their ignorance in their Twitter feed, it is an unfortunate reminder of the true intent of gun control lobby. These Bloomberg groups are not only anti-gun, they’re also anti-self-defense.
But GOA is fighting for your right to defend yourself. Whether it’s in the “Twitterverse” or in the halls of Congress, GOA is determined to protect your right to carry a firearm. Please consider joining the fight.
Jordan Stein is the Director of Communications for Gun Owners of America. Follow him on Twitter: @jordankstein
At the time of publishing this article, Everytown has not answered GOA’s response via Twitter.