H.R. 496 –
This bill would make it a ten-year felony to “knowingly” carry a firearm within 1,000 feet of a building where you “know” a member of Congress is. Thus, the bill would create an incomprehensible series of moving “no-gun” zones. And while, for example, you would be exempted for a gun in your house, if you lived next door to a congressman, you could not carry your gun to your car parked on the street.
H.R. 496
(King of New York, Bishop, Engel, Rangel, Chu):
This bill would make it a ten-year felony to “knowingly” carry a firearm within 1,000 feet of a building where you “know” a member of Congress is. Thus, the bill would create an incomprehensible series of moving “no-gun” zones. And while, for example, you would be exempted for a gun in your house, if you lived next door to a congressman, you could not carry your gun to your car parked on the street.
[readon2 url=”http://gunowners.org/112bills.htm”]See All Firearms Legislation In The 112th Congress[/readon2]