02/95 Republican Leaders’ Betrayal

Et tu Gingrich?

by Gun Owners of America

(February 8, 1995) — The Republican leadership has stalled our chances for attaching a gun ban repeal to the crime bill.

Not only have they turned the heat on their fellow Republicans, they have thrown down a maze of procedural roadblocks that has made it impossible for Rep. Steve Stockman to challenge their actions.

Many Americans expected the repeal of the Clinton crime bill would include a repeal of its unconstitutional ban on an entire class of firearms. Many of the new Congressmen, elected by the votes of pro-Second Amendment Americans, felt likewise. Even the news media seemed to be expecting this effort, with anti-gun programs scheduled for Day One and 60 Minutes.

The effort we were all expecting has not materialized. Credit for killing the repeal effort as an amendment to the crime bill clearly goes to the Congressional Republican leadership.

IN FACT, the Republican leadership has told GOA that they do not want the repeal amendment in the crime bill because they would rather shove the repeal provision down Clinton’s throat as a stand-alone bill. Translated: they’re not really concerned about pursuing our interests or about getting the repeal measure enacted. They simply want to use the gun issue as a political tool to get a Republican President elected in 1996.

If they were concerned about our interests, they would pursue every available option to pass the repeal provision. They would certainly pursue the best avenue to get the repeal enacted.

SEVERAL DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSMEN have told GOA they truly believe that Clinton would have to sign a crime bill that has a gun ban repeal in it. They do not think he can afford to veto such a measure after having seen (and admitted) what the gun issue did to his party last November and having his own election around the corner.

Let’s keep the heat on the leadership. You can send a Western Union mailgram to your Congressman and to Newt Gingrich by calling 1-800-651-1GUN. The mailgram urges them to do everything within their power to get a repeal measure attached to the crime bill. A fee of $8.95 will be charged to your phone bill.

GOA is still fighting in the trenches. Stay tuned for more updates.

This alert was posted by Gun Owners of America, 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151, (703)321-8585, fax: (8408).