02/95 Repeal Vote May Come Tuesday
Vote May Come As Soon As Tuesday!
Last-minute barrage of calls into Congress needed
by Gun Owners of America
(Tuesday, February 7) — Rep. Steve Stockman may introduce his gun ban repeal amendment as early as this afternoon. He is coming under intense pressure from the leadership (as we predicted) but he is remaining strong.
On today’s agenda are bills dealing with both victim’s restitution and reform of the exclusionary rule. Stockman could use either one of these bills as the vehicle to which he can attach his amendment to repeal the gun ban.
Please call your Representative one more time today (202-225-3121). This will bolster his resolve and multiply the calls coming into his office. Tell them that you fully support the Stockman amendment to repeal the gun ban. And urge them strongly to support the amendment as being germane to the crime bill.
Many of you have been venting your anger and frustration with the Republican leadership. If you would like to tell them directly, contact them at one (or all of) the following numbers: House Speaker Newt Gingrich (regular office: 202-225-4501, leadership office: 225-0600, fax: 225-4656), Majority Leader Dick Armey (regular office: 225-7772, leadership office: 225-4000, fax: 225-7614), and Majority Whip Tom DeLay (regular office: 225-5951, leadership office: 225-0197, fax: 225-5241).
P.S. Your Congressman really needs to hear from you again! Now that the leadership is putting the heat on Stockman, you know they’re going to start twisting the arms of the other Republicans. Encourage them to put the Bill of Rights over the whims of the leadership.
This alert was posted by Gun Owners of America, 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151, (703)321-8585, fax: (8408).