We Need a Fighter in the US Senate
We Need a Fighter in the US Senate
Thank you for helping Gun Owners of America send good, pro-gun Americans to Congress. Please consider chipping in $20, $50, or $100 to help elect no-compromise, gun rights candidates.
GOA Rallying to Help Send Kelli Ward to the U.S. Senate
Dear friend,
Arizona is one of the most pro-gun states in the union. And you deserve a Senator to reflect Arizona’s pro-gun values.
That’s why Gun Owners of America is proud to support Dr. Kelli Ward for U.S. Senate.
Dr. Ward, an emergency room physician, earned an A+ rating from GOA based on her outstanding voting record as an Arizona state senator.
She also returned the GOA questionnaire 100 percent in favor of your gun rights.
You deserve a United States Senator who will defend your right to keep and bear arms. Dr. Kelli Ward has already proven that she can faithfully fill that role.
So please join me in support of Dr. Kelli Ward for Senate.
Right now, in the aftermath of the Las Vegas shooting, our gun rights are under serious attack-even from within the Republican Party.
We need people like Kelli Ward to stand up to the sellouts and to push a pro-gun agenda.
As you know, GOA supports only the strongest pro-gun candidates. You can partner with our efforts by going here and chipping in $10, $20, $50 or more to help GOA send anti-gun politicians packing.
And right now, thanks to a generous matching fund by a GOA life member, any amount you contribute will be automatically doubled!
So please join with us protecting our gun rights in the upcoming elections.
Tim Macy
PS: GOA is rallying support to help elect a pro-gun House and Senate. Consider chipping in $20, $50, or $100 to help elect no-compromise gun rights candidates.
Paid for by Gun Owners of America.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.