American Heritage Quiz

1.  The greatest, immediate cause that led to the start of the War for Independence on April 19, 1775 was the fact that England was:

a.  Denying the colonists’ freedom of speech
b.  Squelching their religious freedom
c.  Imposing gun control
d.  Restricting the freedom of the press
e.  None of the above, as there was no single event that precipitated the shots that were fired at Lexington, MA

2.  The “Separation of Church and State” doctrine is found in the First Amendment.

_____ True     _____ False     _____ I don’t know

3.  Many countries around the world have implemented gun control policies over the last 100 years, and these laws have made the people in those countries safer.

_____ True     _____ False     _____ I don’t know

4.  The official motto of our country is “In God we trust.”

_____ True     _____ False     _____ I don’t know

5.  American citizens use guns far more often to save life than to take life.

_____ True     _____ False     _____ I don’t know