Trump Signs GOA-Backed Repeal of Obama’s Social Security Gun Ban
Trump Signs GOA-Backed Repeal of Obama’s Social Security Gun Ban
President Trump [today] quietly followed through on his pledge to defend the Second Amendment by signing the repeal of Barack Obama’s Social Security gun ban.
Trump Signs GOA-Backed Repeal of Obama’s Social Security Gun Ban
President Trump [today] quietly followed through on his pledge to defend the Second Amendment by signing the repeal of Barack Obama’s Social Security gun ban.
The U.S. House voted to repeal the ban on February 2 and the Senate voted to repeal it on February 15.
[Editor’s Note: Repealing Obama’s Social Security gun ban was one of GOA’s top priorities. This year, Gun Owners of America rallied its activists several times to petition the House and Senate to support the repeal legislation — and later to encourage the President to sign the repeal bill into law.]
The ban was fashioned behind closed doors in the summer of 2015 and Breitbart News reported:
The specific details of the ban are unknown, as it is being put together “outside of public view.” But the LA Times reports that a ban on gun possession due to inability to handle finances would be sweeping; that it would cover those who are unable to manage their own affairs for a multitude of reasons–from “subnormal intelligence or mental illness” to “incompetency,” an unspecified “condition,” or “disease.”
The Times notes that the finances of roughly “4.2 million” Social Security beneficiaries are handled by someone else.
As bits and pieces of the ban continued to be revealed over the following months, it was evident that Social Security beneficiaries who required help managing their finances were in jeopardy of losing their Second Amendment rights. An overview of the ban–provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA) – showed it was structured so that persons under mental duress and requiring help with their finances could be investigated by the SSA, then turned over to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to be barred from gun purchases.