Thank the 25 Reps. who Stood Up to Speaker Boehner
John Boehner, who only holds a “C” rating with GOA, has already punished some of the 25 brave Republicans who voted against him to be Speaker!
Please take a minute to thank those 25 congressmen for their tough stand.
Justin Amash (MI-3) Facebook: repjustinamash
Brian Babin (TX-36) Facebook: BabinForCongress
Rod Blum (IA-1) Facebook: blumforcongress
Dave Brat (VA-7) Facebook: davebratforcongress
Jim Bridenstine (OK-1) Facebook: CongressmanJimBridenstine
Curt Clawson (FL-19) Facebook: RepCurtClawson
Scott DesJarlais (TN-4) Facebook: ScottDesJarlais
Jeff Duncan (SC-3) Facebook: RepJeffDuncan
Scott Garrett (NJ-5) Facebook: repscottgarrett
Chris Gibson (NY-19) Facebook: RepChrisGibson
Louie Gohmert (TX-1) Facebook: Louie-Gohmert
Paul Gosar (AZ-4) Facebook: repgosar
Tim Huelskamp (KS-1) Facebook: congressmanhuelskamp
Walter Jones (NC-3) Facebook: Walter-Jones
Steve King (IA-4) Facebook: SteveKingIA
Thomas Massie (KY-4) Facebook: RepThomasMassie
Mark Meadows (NC-11) Facebook: Repmarkmeadows
Richard Nugent (FL-11) Facebook: Rich-Nugent
Gary Palmer (AL-6) Facebook: PalmerforAlabama
Bill Posey (FL-8) Facebook: billposeycampaign
Scott Rigell (VA-2) Facebook: RepScottRigell
Marlin Stutzman (IN-3) Facebook: CongressmanMarlinStutzman
Randy Weber (TX-14) Facebook: TXRandy14
Dan Webster (FL-10) Facebook: RepWebster
Ted Yoho (FL-3) Facebook: CongressmanTedYoho