Take the Next Step to Strengthening Second Amendment in Alabama
Your hard work has paid off!
Last week, the state Senate approved SB 14, a bill that would enable law-abiding citizens carry a gun in their cars without a permit.
The bill’s sponsor, Senator Gerald Allen (R-Tuscaloosa), had this to say, “No one is required to have a permit to keep a handgun in his or her house. The Castle Doctrine states vehicles are an extension of a person’s home. Therefore, adults should have the right to carry a pistol in their car without a permit.”
We now need your help to taking action. Contact your state Representatives and urge him or her to support this bill.
Plus, GOA has made it easy for you. In our pre-written letter, you can contact your Representatives in just a few clicks!
It’s already passed the Senate. Now let’s get it through the House. Contact your state Representative and let’s send this bill to the Governor’s desk!
ACTION: Click here to urge your state Representative to support SB 14 without any weakening amendments. If you are a registered voter, be sure to add that in the email!
FOR MORE INFORMATION: If you want to stay up-to-date with state legislative updates relating to firearms, please go here to sign up for email alerts from BamaCarry — a no-compromise firearms group in the Heart of Dixie!