Since Trump Took Office: 11.3 Million Additional Firearms In America











Since Trump Took Office: 11.3 Million Additional Firearms In America

Perceived wisdom has held that firearms sales fell drastically after President Trump was elected. But the so-called “Trump slump” hasn’t happened. Yes, increased production has driven down prices. But sales remain strong. While President Obama may have been the greatest firearms salesman of all time, President Trump’s first year is likely to beat all of President Obama’s eight years in office, except for the last one.

Trump-era NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) checks are continuing the trend set last year. 2017 is on track to be the second highest year for NICS  on record.

November and December have traditionally been the highest months for NICS checks, correlating with hunting seasons and Christmas. 2017 only needs to accumulate 2,875,681 NICS checks in the last two months of the year to become the second highest year on record. Every year since 2010 has exceeded that number for November and December.Perceived wisdom has held that firearms sales fell drastically after President Trump was elected. But the so-called “Trump slump” hasn’t happened. Yes, increased production has driven down prices. But sales remain strong. While President Obama may have been the greatest firearms salesman of all time, President Trump’s first year is likely to beat all of President Obama’s eight years in office, except for the last one.

Trump-era NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) checks are continuing the trend set last year. 2017 is on track to be the second highest year for NICS  on record.

November and December have traditionally been the highest months for NICS checks, correlating with hunting seasons and Christmas. 2017 only needs to accumulate 2,875,681 NICS checks in the last two months of the year to become the second highest year on record. Every year since 2010 has exceeded that number for November and December.

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