Groups Take Self-Defense on the Road
SPRINGFIELD, VA — Gun Owners of America announced today that it has partnered with the New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense (NJCSD) and the Second Amendment March to launch a national program which assists citizens in asserting their Constitutional and human rights to self-defense.
The “Right-to-Carry Road Show” is a mobile processing system where all of the steps necessary to obtaining a permit to carry a firearm are consolidated. In some states, politically-motivated bias against gun owners is so extreme that many local police departments refuse to perform the fingerprinting, going so far as to intentionally give citizens the runaround or intimidate people into giving up.
In the past, completing the application process often required several days for the applicant to arrange for fingerprinting and notarizing, sometimes even causing time off from work to coordinate scheduling with frequently uncooperative local agencies.
“The ‘Right-to-Carry Road Show’ brings all the elements together in one place and lets people get everything done in about one hour,” said Robert Kreisler, President of the NJCSD. “We even put all the paperwork in an envelope, seal it up, and mail it to Florida for you. No more petty bureaucrats or politically-motivated roadblocks, just a fast and easy way to assert your right.”
Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, said, “This is a perfect fit for GOA. We have always been firm on our position regarding the 2nd Amendment and this program will be a way of making a statement, bringing more Americans to our issue, and helping affirm their rights. We look forward to partnering with the NJCSD to bring this program to states where citizens’ rights have been sold down the river by legislators with an agenda.”
To date, the RTCRS has successfully processed hundreds of permits without a single denial. “With the involvement of the Second Amendment March, the Right-to-Carry Road Show will soon be available in more states through this special program. The three organizations have even developed an infrastructure where interested parties may operate their own permit-expediting events using a packaged system supported by training, promotion and even automated online reservation and payment processing,” said Skip Coryell, founder of the SAM.
In states like New Jersey, where obtaining an in-state carry permit for self-defense is virtually impossible, the Right-to-Carry Road Show makes Florida permits available to those who want them. Since Florida has reciprocity with many states surrounding New Jersey and allows non-residents to apply for permits, obtaining a Florida permit is the next best thing for New Jersey gun owners.
Anyone wanting more information or wishing to participate should contact the NJCSD by visiting, or by calling toll-free 877-890-5460.
The New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense is an independent not-for-profit organization founded in 2001 to defend a citizen’s right to protect himself with a firearm in one of the most restrictive states in the nation.
Gun Owners of America ( is based in Virginia, and currently has over 300,000 members. They are a non-profit organization formed in 1975 by California state senator H.L. Richardson to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners all across the country.
The 2nd Amendment March is a grassroots movement to galvanize the courage and resolve of Americans and to petition our elected officials against establishing anti-gun legislation by holding a peaceful march in Washington, D.C. on April 19th of 2010. For more information, please visit