Darrell Issa is doing a monumental job for Americans and the Constitution, and he needs your help to bring his colleagues into accord. Please email Congress, thanking your Representative if he’s signed onto H.Res. 490, but taking him to task if he hasn’t.
Last week, Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) sent a 44-page memorandum to members of his committee outlining the instances in which Attorney General Eric Holder perjured himself before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which Rep. Issa chairs.
In the eyes of GOA’s membership nationwide, this signals that Darrell Issa is a Constitutional and American hero.
Eric Holder and his subordinates in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) have lied under oath. In fact, they even sent a letter to the congressional committee investigating Fast and Furious (the gun running scandal between the U.S. and Mexico) essentially admitting that they lied.
Appointees in the Obama administration such as Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Janet Napolitano have historically shown themselves to be radically anti-gun. And the Fast and Furious debacle is just the latest instance of this. That’s why pro-Second Amendment Americans need to join in the fight to help Issa get rid of Eric Holder as the Attorney General.
H.Res. 490 is a resolution which sends a message loud and clear that Congress has lost confidence in the Attorney General. Over 100 members of Congress have already signed H.Res. 490 (
see the list here). If your Representative is one of them, please contact and thank him or her for helping.
If your representative has not signed on to H.Res. 490, contact them and demand to know why he or she has refused to do so. Ask your congressman if they are anti-gun or if they condone lying to Congress? Do they condone the U.S. sending guns to Mexican drug cartels who turn around and kill U.S. law enforcement and Mexican law enforcement, which is exactly what has happened under Eric Holder’s watch.
ACTION: Darrell Issa is doing a monumental job for Americans and the Constitution, and he needs your help to bring his colleagues into accord. Please email Congress, thanking your Representative if he’s signed onto H.Res. 490, but taking him to task if he hasn’t.
There are two different letters (one saying “thank you” and one saying “cosponsor the resolution”).
[readon2 url=”http://capwiz.com/gunowners/issues/alert/?alertid=61311706″]Click here to contact your Representatives, the appropriate letter will be automatically selected[/readon2]