Keep CR From Expiring, or We’ll Get Gun Control During a Lame-duck Session
We don’t have much time.
The fight to stop Congress’ Continuing Resolution (CR) from expiring in December – and consequently letting a lame duck Congress pack a bunch of gun control measures into the 2023 government funding bill – may begin THIS EVENING.
Most election watchers expect the Democrats to lose control of the House in the November election. So if the CR expires in December, Pelosi’s defeated House majority could pass 10 ghastly gun control measures before they officially vacate Congress in January.
Two loyal allies of GOA, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) in the House and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) in the Senate, are leading the fight to stop the CR from expiring in December.
But GOA is bringing in reinforcements for Rep. Roy’s and Sen. Lee’s battle.
We’re calling on GOA members like YOU to bombard the House and Senate with letters urging them NOT to let the CR expire in December.
Previously, we listed out the ten gun control items hidden in the fiscal year 2023 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill that would likely go into effect if the CR expires.
If anti-gunners get their way and the CR expires in December, they’ll pass all ten of these gun grabs right before they leave office:
1. Massive ATF Budget Increase to Facilitate Biden’s Pistol Ban
2. Gun Registration Funding
3. Gun Confiscation Law Funding
4. Financial Benefits for Families of Deceased ATF Agents Killed or Injured on the Job while Enforcing Gun Control
5. Ammunition Background Check Study
6. Gun Control Research, Unbound by the Dickey Amendment
7. Anti-gun Community Violence Interventions
8. “Domestic Violence Firearms Lethality Reduction Initiative”
9. “Violent Anti-Government Ideology” Research
10. Gun Control Earmarks
But with your help right now, we’ll STOP Congress from letting the CR expire so that the next Congress can pass a spending bill for 2023 instead.
Take action and send a message to Congress!
We’ve so far identified at least 42 members of the House and 14 members of the Senate who have PLEDGED not to let the funding bill expire in December.
EVERY Representative and Senator needs to understand that a vote to let this CR expire is a vote to let Pelosi and her minions deal one final blow to the Second Amendment before she’s kicked out of the Speaker’s chair.
I don’t think pro-gun voters like you will like to hear that your representatives gave Pelosi the power to load the 2023 budget with gun grabs right before a major election.
We urgently need your help alerting Congress not to let the CR expire before the final votes are cast.