[Video] Manager of Meat Market Shoots Armed Robber in the Back of the Head, Saves Teenage Clerk
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Dan Cannon Published: 23 September 2014
An armed robber entered a Houston, Texas meat market that has been open for over 60 years and demanded money from a teenage clerk.
The manager of the business was in an office across the room from the counter with a window facing the action.
After observing what was going on, the manager grabbed a handgun that was kept at the business and opened fire.
According to Click2Houston, this is what happened next,
[readon2 url=”http://gunssavelives.net/self-defense/video-manager-of-meat-market-shoots-armed-robber-in-the-back-of-the-head-saves-teenage-clerk/”]Read the rest at Guns Save Lives[/readon2]